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Good Day Chemistry Students!

  • Today we will find an article from a print publication related to Chemistry.
    • Each student from each class section must find a unique article, Ms. B has a sign up for you
    • Make sure to ask yourself the following questions:
      • Is this article related to science and chemistry?
      • Is it interesting to me?
      • Can I read and understand the article enough to explain it to someone else?
  • You can look through a variety of publications that we own in the library
    • Science magazines
    • News magazines
    • If you use a newspaper or another source from outside of school, make sure
      • The article is from a trusted source
      • The article was written within the past 3-6 months


Science in the News

The library subscribes to many Science magazines:Discover, Popular Science, Scientific American, Science News, Science World.  And, the following magazines that also have related articles:National Wildlife, National Geographic, and Psychology Today.  Here are links to their sites and others. 

Newspapers at KHS

The papers to which we subscribe are listed in order from the most comprehensive and international in scope, to the most local. * indicates electronic edition available

Or, try a Google search

If you need a new source, try a google search.  You can go broad, chemistry news or chemicals. Or, more narrow, chemicals in food for example.  Watch your dates, you need an article from the past year.  And, watch the title of your source which may have already appeared on this libguide. Last, and most importantly, make sure your source is credible, reliable, and factual, no "fake" news!

Google Web Search

Newspaper and Magazine Databases