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Renaissance and Reformation: Home

History and Biographical Databases

Gale provides excellent, scholarly content, including multimedia and primary documents.  You can save articles to your Google drive, and they are even cited for you in MLA 8 format.  All of these resources require an id and pw, available on the red handout, when used outside of school. 

Web Resources

Google Search

Make sure that you are choosing acadmic, vetted sites.  Ask if you are unsure.  Do not use another student's project as a source of information, stay away from Prezis, Weebly pages, etc.  Beware of pages authored by first name only.

Google Web Search

Noodle Tools

Here is the Noodle link for citations and note cards. 

Books on your Cart

There are books on your cart, You can scan images to use on the faculty copier and upload into your movie.  Please copy the information that will help you ceate your project.  Ask for help.